First and foremost, this blog is a culinary tribute to two women who had a tremendous impact on me. I will love and remember my grandmothers for the rest of my life, and carrying on their memory is so special to me. Not only do I carry on their recipes, I also carry on their traditions. That’s where the pinecone napkin comes in. Jeanie was a master seamstress. I vividly remember the stacks upon stacks of colorful fabric she had in her sewing area. She even made clothes for me and my dolls. One of her favorite things to make though were cloth napkins for her dinner parties. That woman loved to entertain and she had napkins for every occasion. They were simple to make and so pretty on the table.

Jeanie and my papa lived in Florida throughout my childhood, but they came up to New Jersey a lot during fall. They missed the seasons and enjoyed the respite from the heat. Whenever they came up, we hunted for pinecones because my grandmother absolutely loved them. She would make wreaths with them and other beautiful crafts. So when I inherited her beloved pinecone napkins, I teared up a little remembering those times.