It has definitely been a pretty miserable, bleak winter here in New Jersey and we’ve had some snowy days. As a kid, snow was everything. It was freedom from school, playing outside, sledding and building snowmen long before Anna and Elsa made it a catchy tune. Fast forward to (somewhat) responsible adulthood and snow is so much more of a nuisance than it is fun. The worst is when poor Marc works so hard to shovel the driveway, only to have the plows completely undo it! I really should not complain though when I know our New England neighbors have had it far worse. While I am not a fan of winter at all, I do have a grudging respect for it and I’ll tell you why.

I do love snowy days a whole lot when there is no need for driving and places are closed. It means Marc is home and we just get to hunker down, have grilled cheese with soup for lunch (on snowy days that is a MUST), hot cocoa and binge watch Netflix snuggled under a blanket. Our three cats love it when Marc is home too, and adorable things like this happen.

I also have to admit that while snow is not my favorite (yucky, cold and wet…no thanks!), it sure is pretty the way it just blankets everything. There’s no denying it as much as I want to grump about it. I can always appreciate and respect beauty! There is definitely a sort of magic surrounding snowy days even as an adult.

I think the best thing about snowy days though are that they really make me appreciate all four seasons. Cold, harsh winters make me love the blooming of spring and the sunny heat of summer that much more. So as I enjoy being home snug with my hubby and furry kids today, I think I’ll extend the olive branch to old man winter and bid him a fond farewell soon enough.

Hi Leigh-Spring is just around the corner! Hang in. Your Florida Bud, Cheryl
Thanks, Cheryl!! Yes, Spring will be here soon so it’s all good :-). Your TK bud always.