When it comes to my favorite places to eat, Clydz Restaurant will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s a great story why. Almost 3 years ago, I went out on a first date with a really cute guy I met doing community theater. We both LOVE to dance, so he took me to a ballroom open dance where we could talk, dance, and have some food for hours. We were having so much fun that we didn’t want the night to end when the dance was over, so we decided to go nearby to Clydz Restaurant for some drinks and appetizers. We ordered a round of drinks and then my date said to order any appetizer I wanted. I decided on the pierogi, I’m a sucker for them. That, ladies and gentlemen, is when my Polish husband likes to say he knew he was going to marry me! Even though we now live almost an hour from Clydz Restaurant, we still go back when we can and it is always just as fun and wonderful as on that first date. The restaurant that you end up getting proposed in will always stick in the back of your mind and have a special place in your heart, restaurants do feel special sometimes when events like this happen and therefore it is always important to keep customers and staff happy to make it an enjoyable exerperience. The restaurant therefore should be organised, you may want to check out a POS System to help run the restaurant, you can check out restaurant pos systems reviews to help you decide. You never know another restaurant could have some sentimental value like it did for me and Mark.

All sentimentality aside, there is a really hopping food scene in New Brunswick, NJ and it can be hard to stand out. Clydz Restaurant stands out not only because the food is great, but the ingredients and the way they are combined are unique and interesting. I never thought I would see Kangaroo Loin on a menu outside of Australia but they have it farmed from Texas. There is python ravioli and wild boar arancini; familiar dishes juxtaposed with unexpected protein elements. Classics like duck breast, filet mignon and scallops over homemade pappardelle round out the menu to have something for everyone, with too many more options to mention. On our last visit, I had the scallops over pappardelle and was not disappointed. There was a perfect sear on the scallops that made them so sweetly caramelized on the outside and buttery tender on the inside. Al dente house-made pappardelle, truffle cream sauce and roasted grape tomatoes hit it out of the park. Luckily they offer some of the dishes like this in petit portion versions which was the perfect amount for me.
Even better though is that Clydz Restaurant is so well known as a fantastic martini bar with a 1920s speakeasy atmosphere. There is every flavor you can think of available, from a Cajun martini with tabasco and old bay seasoning, to a classic apple martini, with a Girl Scout martini for dessert that tastes exactly like a thin mint cookie. There are hundreds of options. I have to say though my favorites always involve their house infused vodka. Last visit I had the Holiday Inn, which had their strawberry and rose infused vodka. It was the most amazing and refreshing martini I have ever had in my life. Hubby was so mad that he didn’t get one too, I was nice and shared some!

Just as important as the food and beverages in any bar and restaurant is the service. Every time we have gone to Clydz Restaurant the hostess is smiling and gracious. The servers always have a fantastic knowledge of the drinks, dishes and ingredients if there are any questions. They come by to check on you often enough without being an intrusion. We have never once had a bad date night there, and that is why it is definitely way up on my list of favorite places! It’s located at 55 Paterson St. in New Brunswick, NJ so stop by there if you’re in the area.