How to Eat Healthier and Feel Better – Even When You Are Super Busy

It’s very easy to get wrapped up in life sometimes. You may feel as though you need to focus on your kids, your work or even your hectic schedule. If this sounds like you then you will probably agree that healthy eating often becomes a secondary concern. You may find that you end up going to the cafeteria and that you end up grabbing the quickest and easiest thing to eat and this can really impact your health. When you get home, you’ll probably be too tired to prepare anything, and this is understandable.

Make Breakfast a Priority

A lot of people tend to rush during the morning because they feel as though they are always having to get everything done before a certain time. This is fine, but you have to remember that breakfast is crucial as it gives you the energy you need to do whatever you need. If you want to make things easier on yourself then you have to make sure that you prepare your breakfast the night before. This could involve preparing some oats with some frozen fruit or even Greek yoghurt. The best thing about this is that the fruit will defrost overnight, and it will make it much tastier for the next day. If you don’t fancy this then it’s more than possible for you to prepare a smoothie instead. Think about having banana, spinach, coconut water or whatever you can find- as long as it has no added sugar. Hot lemon water is ideal for starting the day as it rejuvenates your system, which has been on standby all night. This will help you to boost your immune system and it will also aid you with digestion as well. The Vitamin C that lemon juice contains will also help you to get the great start you need to the day as well.

Pre-Portion your Snacks

If you don’t eat properly then you may find yourself snacking far more than you should. This can cause you problems because you will probably end up eating more calories and this has an impact on your energy for the rest of the day. The problem here is that even if you do avoid junk food, you still may be eating far too many calories and this is the last thing that you want. If you want to avoid this then it helps to pre-portion as much as you can. Fix up a mid-morning and afternoon snack that consists of portioned nuts and even fruit. This is very important as it means that you can easily keep track of the amount of calories you are eating every day and it also means that you don’t have to take more time out of your day.

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Drink a Lot of Water

People tend to drink coffee throughout the day as it helps to keep them energised. This is great to some extent, but you may end up feeling sluggish when the caffeine has worn off and this can leave you feeling even worse about yourself. If you want to get around this then you need to try and take a medium-sized water bottle with you to work. This will ensure that your body is free from any toxins and it’s great for flushing your body too. Water is notably cheaper than coffee and you won’t have to worry about preparing it either. Of course, if you are having a hard time actually liking water because it’s so much blander when compared to coffee, then you can try and flavour it. This can be done by adding things like cucumber, strawberries, lime and other fruits and vegetables. The great thing about this is that it is natural and it won’t contain any added sugar either.

Eat at the Same Time Everyday

If you are super busy, then you may find that you have a daily routine at the office. This is great, but you have to make sure that you have a daily routine at home as well. This includes eating at the same time, every single day. If you have a routine then this will help you to prepare foods at the same time, and to also eat at the same time too. Sure, sometimes life gets in the way but if you make a special effort then you will soon find that you are able to make much better choices and that you also have a steady supply of energy.

Use an App

Another thing that you can do is use an app. Apps are great because you can take them with you on the go and you can also create a set of data that is personalised to you. Apps can also show you where you are going wrong with your healthy eating routine, so make sure that you keep this in mind. If you are using an app then it helps to choose one which helps you to monitor the number of calories you are eating every day. This way you can see how many calories each meal is so that you can cater the rest of your meal plans accordingly. A lot of people are surprised at how many calories some things contain, so keep this in mind as much as you can. If you find that you are always running out of data, then this won’t help you to keep track of your meals as a lot of apps are online. One way for you to get around this would be for you to invest in SMARTY, as they have a PAYG service.


It can be hard to workout when you have so much going on in your life, but believe it or not, working out is one of the best things that you can do for your energy levels. If you want to try and workout more then don’t worry about going to the gym. Instead, try and focus on using what you have around the home. For example, if you have an old yoga mat lying around then download an app and try out some of the positions that are listed. You can also use an exercise DVD as this will help you to use the spare time that you have around the home.

Go for the Lighter Lunch

Lunch is probably the meal which is going to impact your day the most. The main reason for this is because it happens right in the middle of the day. Business lunches tend to be very high in calories. Joining in with your work friends when they all go for a take-out is the best way for you to ruin your healthy eating regime. At the end of the day, you have to remember that nothing is healthier or easier than a salad, as this can be prepared quickly. If you want to really help yourself then you need to lay off the fatty dressing. It may be worth opting for lemon juice instead of creamy dressings too. A lot of the time, cafes do a healthy option so you will still be able to enjoy your meal without having to worry about a thing.

Walk and Talk

Eating healthily is one way for you to get more energy in the day but you have to remember that it isn’t the only thing you need to be doing. You also need to get active. As mentioned above, it’s very easy for you to workout at home, but what about when you are at work? One way for you to give yourself the boost you need would be for you to try and walk and talk whenever you are on the phone. If you have to take a phone call that is going to be more than a couple of seconds, pace and talk! This will help you far more than you realise, and you may even find that it gets you closer to your 10,000 steps a day goal. Of course, walking is a great way for you to energise yourself and this is especially the case if you find that you are sat at your desk all day. If you don’t feel as though you can walk and talk comfortably then you can easily invest in a hands-free system as this will help you to make multitasking more convenient.

So, eating healthily and having more energy in the day doesn’t need to be hard work, in fact, it’s very easy for you to really get a great result by making a few simple changes. Remember that you won’t see a huge change overnight, but after a few weeks, you can easily start to see a major difference. If you want some additional support with your healthy-eating journey, then a personal trainer may be able to help you out. They can give you a customised plan and they can also work with you to make sure that you are happy with the overall progress you are making so do keep that in mind.