Urinetown is unlike any other musical I have seen or been a part of. I wasn’t too familiar with it but I loved the couple of songs I had heard. Marc had actually seen it once and loved it too. So when auditions were announced for a local production Marc and I both gave it a go and luckily we were cast! The journey began at the table reading a couple of months ago. There were lots of familiar faces that we had worked with in shows before (some we knew for years). There were also lots of new faces that I was excited to get to know. As with any production, there were a couple of bumps along the rehearsal process. We overcame them together though and had a spectacular, high energy show on our hands by opening night!

Urinetown explores a lot of themes. The basic plot is that sometime in the future after a 20 year drought, water consumption is absurdly regulated by one greedy corporation called Urine Good Company. There are no longer private toilets and people have to pay at public amenities to do their business. There are class struggles, power struggles, and as with any good musical, a love story.

The story is told with deliciously biting satire and wit through a fantastic script and musical score by Greg Kotis and Mark Hollman.

The extreme talent in this particular production of Urinetown has been a privilege to witness and be a part of. The dance numbers are so snappy and sharp and the voices all meld together so gorgeously for the singing. What a bunch of triple threats in this cast! Our production staff and technical team worked their butts off to make sure we all looked and sounded as perfect as possible. It’s staggering to think about how much work went into the lighting, sound design, costuming, and sets behind the scenes.

As for what the fabled Urinetown actually is? Well, you’ll have to check out the show to find out! We run for two more weekends in East Brunswick, NJ at the lovely Playhouse 22. If you’re in the area you won’t want to miss it. The link for more info and tickets can be found here. Thanks, friends! xoxo

Great-keeping you busy and having fun!!!
It’s truly been a blast my friend. There’s nothing like being on stage live in front of an audience!!
Hi Leigh, I know you and Marc both love it. I hope the remaining days in production bring many to enjoy! You look rather sophisticated in the pic my friend. I knew you when you were only….xo Your Florida Bud always, Cheryl