Eating Healthy Tips – Guest Post

2018 is going to be a healthier year for me. So I was thrilled when my blogger friend Claire reached out to me pitching tips to make recipes I have here on the blog healthier! I’ll be using them for sure, and I hope you enjoy them too. Here is what she had to say:

If eating healthy can be a pain, going the extra mile can be torture! But eating healthy doesn’t have to be all about munching on greens, constant fruit smoothies and bland food. There are lots of tweaks you can do to your favourite recipes to make them healthier. Knowing how beneficial the knowledge of health importance is can make leading a healthier lifestyle a lot easier. If you want to find out more, click here (or hier, as they’d say in German). As your health is important, you need to make this your priority.

Going the extra mile actually means:

  • Using more vegetables and fruit
  • Using no chemical additives like monosodium glutamate
  • Using spices and natural salt to season food
  • No overcooking
  • Using less fat and going for good cholesterol
  • Using healthier cooking methods

Here are some great ways to add a healthier twist and go the extra mile on some recipes.

One Pot Lasagna Soup
One Pot Lasagna Soup

This simple dish adds a dash of uniqueness to lasagna without making things a lot more complicated – and it’s definitely healthy.

Simply make a soup base using chicken or vegetable stock. A rich tomato base flavored with spices often works best.

Next, add lasagna noodles and cook until just right.

Then add lots of mushroom slices, garlic bits, chopped onion, as well as your choice of spices to add aroma and a hint of earthiness.

While the soup is simmering, prepare a mixture of cheeses. Use your favorite healthy kind.

Serve the soup in bowls topped with a dollop of your cheese mixture.

Eating Healthy
Eggplant Parmigiana Strips

Eggplant is, without a doubt, a healthy choice. This vegetable is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and healthy minerals, and are great steamed, baked, sautéed, or even grilled.

Tomatoes, on the other hand, are a great source of lycopene and are excellent for spicing up any recipe.

Here’s the twist:

Cut the eggplant into strips but do not fry.

Instead lay the strips on a chicken breast fillet or top the eggplant slices with tomato paste preferably from fresh tomatoes and onions. You can make the paste by simply steaming the tomatoes then blending them along with onions. Or you can cut the tomatoes into thin slices and layer them on the eggplant strips.

Top with parmigiana and mozzarella. Sprinkle with pepper or parsley to add color and bite.

Bake in an oven for a few minutes or until the topping is bubbly.

Baked Apples
Baked Apples

Apples are a great dessert and a source of vitamins and minerals. But you don’t always have to eat them fresh to enjoy their healthy goodness.

A simple but delicious way to enjoy the fruit is to bake it.

Just core the fruit and scoop out the seeds.

Prepare the mixture with granola, raisins, nuts, some vanilla extract for aroma, and lots of spices. Use a bit of honey for sweetness and to hold the mixture together.

Then fill up the apples and bake until done.

Baste with the juices to deepen the texture and add more flavor. Serve as is or with ice cream.


You can make a healthy onion dip by using a squeeze of lemon, apple cider vinegar, and egg whites. Beat until stiff then add onion, garlic, and your choice of spices and blend.

Chill and serve with vegetable sticks, cucumber slices, or your favorite healthy snack.

Don’t hesitate to experiment with your favorite recipes. Surely, you’ll find a dozen different ways to make them healthier – and with the right techniques and ingredients, you’ll make them even tastier as well.

Author Bio:

Claire works as an engineer at Brillopak, a Robotic Palletising and palletisation machine manufacturing company in UK. Apart from designing, Claire loves to blog. You can find her trying out new recipes, playing drums or cheering in stands for Falmer Stadium.